Meet Our Faculty & Students

Cena Holifield, Ph.D., CALT-QI, LDT - Executive Director

Dr. Donna George, Ed.D., CALT-QI, LDT - Principal

Elesha McCarty, M.S., CCC-SLP, CALT - Psychometrist

Bryan Blackledge, Ed.D., CALT, LDT - Assistant Principal

Jessica Raybourn - Administrative Assistant

Katie Adams, M.Ed., CALT, LDT

Ashley Baggett, M.Ed., LDT

Kaitlyn Bennett, B.S., DT in Training

Polly Dueitt, B.S., Therapist in Training

Sarah East, M.Ed., LDT

DeAnna Ellis, M.Ed., LDT

Lauren Fortenberry, B.S., Therapist in Training

Pamela Fuller, M.M.Ed.

Elisabeth Jolly, B.S., Therapist in Training

Abby Killian, B.S., Therapist in Training

Julie Lofton, Ed.S., LDT

Kim Gibson, M.S., CCC-SLP

Lisa Guice, M.Ed., CALT, LDT

Kristin Patterson, M.Ed., DT in Training

Alex Powell, B.S., DT in Training

Mary Ann Rust, B.S., Math Teacher

Ashley Sheffield, M.Ed., DT in Training

Peggy Shoemake, M.Ed., LDT

Laura Starr, M.Ed., LDT

Mackenzie Sumrall, M.Ed., LDT

Kelsey Sumrall, M.Ed., LDT
Ph.D. — Doctorate of Philosophy
Ed.D. — Doctorate of Education
M.Ed. — Masters of Education
Ed.S — Specialist in Education
CALT – Nationally Certified Academic Therapist (ALTA)
SLDS - Structured Literacy Dyslexia Specialist (CERI)
LDT – Mississippi AA Licensed Dyslexia Therapist (MDE)
CALT-QI – Nationally Qualified Instructor of Dyslexia Therapy (William Carey University)
NBCT – National Board Certified Teacher
DT Intern – MDE licensed teacher and graduate student-WCU in Dyslexia Therapy Master’s Degree Program (Recognized as a Dyslexia Therapist according to Mississippi Dyslexia Law)
• William Carey University Dyslexia Therapy Program is dually accredited through the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) and the International Multi-sensory Structured Language Education Council (IMSLEC)
• The 3-D School is accredited through the Mississippi Department of Education as a Special Purpose School.